INSECTUM in … – Temporary Collective


During the pandemic and creative meetings conducted remotely, choreographers Tereza Ondrová and Silvia Gribaudi asked various questions: What would life look like if we saw it from an insect’s perspective? Can another living creature inspire us so much that we change our own lives? How can we alter the anthropocentric view of the world? They were looking for answers through the use of their bodies. Similar questions were already explored by Sara Michieletto and Elisabetta Zavoli, whose concept forms the basis of the project INSECTUM in…

This project started during the pandemic thanks to an online meeting of choreographers Tereza Ondrová and Silvia Gribaudi, who asked themselves the following questions:

“What would life look like from an insect’s point of view?”
“Have you ever felt like an insect?”
“Can we turn our lifestyle upside down by being inspired by another living creature?”
“How can we change the anthropocentric view of the world?”
“How can we change our view of the world at this point in history and find new ways to adapt to the times we live in?”

These questions arose during the IN-SECTUM project by artists Elisabetta Zavoli and Sara Michieletta. At Insectum in Prague, Tereza Ondrová and Silvia Gribaudi explored this concept through their bodies.

INSECTUM in…Prague began in 2020 in 2021 when was the first live work-in-progress sharing. The project officially premiered on the 7th and 8th of June 2022 in Prague as part of the TANEC PRAHA Festival.

Premiere: 7., 8. 6. 2022, PONEC – dane venue, Festival TANEC PRAHA

Creators and collaborators

Choreography & performers: Tereza Ondrová, Silvia Gribaudi

Light design: Katarína Morávek Ďuricová

Produced by: Temporary Collective / Daniela Řeháková, Associazione Culturale ZEBRA

Co-production: Tanec Praha z.ú. / TANEC PRAHA-festival,  Operaestate Festival Veneto, CSC di Bassano del Grappa

The project is created with the support of: Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, City of Prague, Tanec Praha z.ú. / PONEC – dance venue, Studio ALTA, REZI.DANCE – Komařice

Inspired by: “IN- SECTUM PROJECT” by Sara Michieletto & Elisabetta Zavoli


Place of freedom? B.Motion 2022
“Gribaudi’s body-positive approach and Ondrovà’s versatility offer a much-needed light-hearted performative approach that contrasts with the predominant conceptualism of contemporary dance-making.”
Ariadne Mikou, 13. 9. 2022